The Pit! - Submission Instructions
This database is still incomplete, but you can help by submitting your Vehicle Information.
Complete Vehicle Submission Instructions
Click on the link below to mail me your submission. Please include as much of the following information as possible.
- Vehicle Name (as it appears on the instruction sheet)
- P/N number (usually found on the bottom of the last instruction page)
- Part name(s) (instruction sheet name if given)
- Part Mold Number (if available, it will be formed on the peice EX: M-4168-1)
- Attachment: A picture of the part or parts.
- Attachment: A scan of the instruction sheet (300 dpi color prefered, 100 dpi grayscale minimum)
- Vehicle Year (can be found on instructions or the vehicle itself)
- Attachment: Vehicle Picture (try to make 3 sides visible, and make your background different from the vehicle color)
Try to list parts in assembly order if you can. Several parts in one picture will save on download time.
I will place Your Name in the Vehicle's "From the Collection of:" section and upload the pictures to the site.
Your name will be digitally imortalized!
Thanks for your interest, now you can click HERE to send me your contribution.
Thanks for visiting The Pit!