Frequently Asked Questions

Motorpool Use & Instructions

  1. Non-Members Options
    1. Navigation
      1. The Member Collections Menu: (Left Frame)
      2. The Collection Index Menu (Right Frame)
      3. Vehicle Detail Page
    2. Joining Up
      1. Current FORSALE! Members
      2. New Members
  2. Members Only Options
    1. Logging In
    2. Your Account - Setting Up Your Collection
      1. My MOTORPOOL! Page
      2. Vehicle Detail Page
      3. Vehicle Detail Modification
    3. Using the Trade Engine - Coming Soon!

  1. Non-Members Options

    1. Navigation

      1. The Member's Collection Menu: (Left Frame)
        1. Show What:

          Choose the category of vehicles in the collection you want to see: ALL, SPARE, NEEDED
          This will show the vehicles owned by the Member you Select Below.
          ALL = Every Vehicle in their collection.
          SPARE = Only Vehicles with Spare Parts for Trade.
          NEEDED = Only Vehicles the Member needs Parts For.

        2. Member Select
          Each Motorpool Member has a selectable button that will allow you to view their online collection.
          Beside it you can see the [total number of vehicles] in their collection.

      2. The Collection Index Menu - (Left Frame)
        1. The Go Button - Change list depending on your choices.
          1. Show: All, Spare, Need – same as 1.a above.
          2. Sort By: VIN, Alpha, Date, Type – sorts the collection in the chosen way.
          3. Include: Parts Only, BPs Only, Both
            1) Parts Only – Shows Spare, Needed or All Parts (works best with Spare or Need chosen)
            2) BPs Only – Shows Spare, Needed or All BPs (Changes % Complete to BP totals)
            3) Both – Shows Same as Parts Only
        2. Choose Another Member's Collection - returns to Member Collections Menu
        3. Vehicle Links - Shows Vehicle Details in Right Frame – (See Vehicle Detail Page I.A.3)

        1. Vehicle Detail Page - (Right Frame)

          1. Vehicle Type Links - Shows vehicles of this type in the Member's Collection. (left window)
        1. From The Collection of - The name of the Member's Collection you are viewing.
        2. View Instruction Sheets - Shows Blueprints for this vehicle.
          1. Singe Page (ex. [1] [2]) - opens the Blueprint images in a new window.
          2. Show All Pages - Shows all Blueprint Pages in this window. Clicking the images will open the larger image in a new window.
        1. Complete/Spare/Needed Parts Table - Lists Member's items owned/needed for this vehicle.
        2. Complete/Spare/Needed Buttons - Changes the Table's listed parts.
        3. Comments & Part Defects - Member's comments about their vehicle.
        4. Sticker Sheet - Thumbnail image of Vehicle's Sticker Sheet. (Link opens full image in new window.)
        5. Box - Thumbnail image of Vehicle's Box. (Link opens full image in new window.)
        6. Links - Shortcut links to GIJoePit Home & My Motorpool (only if a logged in member)

    2. Joining Up - To Start Tracking your Collection on MOTORPOOL!

      1. Current FORSALE! Members
        1. Login to The Forsale!
        2. From the My Forsale Page, select the [My Motorpool] link under Membership Links.
        3. You will see the message "You are not a member of's Motorpool!. To join, select the link below". Select the [Join Motorpool] link under Membership Links.
        4. Your Membership is now started! Begin Tracking Your Collection - See Setting Up Your Collection (II.B).

      2. New Members
        1. Fill Out & Submit the Registration Form
        2. Check your e-mail for your Verification Code
        3. Follow the Verification Link from the Completed Registration Form Page or Member Login Page
        4. Verify your Registration
        5. Your Membership is now started! Begin Tracking Your Collection - See Setting Up Your Collection (II.B).

  2. Members Only Options

    1. Logging In
      Go to the Member’s Login Page, enter your Username & Password – You will be taken to the My Motorpool Page automatically.
    2. Your Account - Setting Up Your Collection
      1. My MOTORPOOL! Page - Main Access page to your Collection & Account Information. (Can also be reached from the Main Menu in the Top Frame)
        Lists Status Info
        • Join Date
        • Expiration Date
        1. Membership Links
          1. Renew Your Membership - Extend/Renew your Motorpool! Membership (Membership is currently free!)
          2. Change Your Account Info - Change E-mail & Password
          3. Subscribe/Unsubscribe to Email Lists - Change E-mail List options
          4. My Forsale - Quicklink to your Forsale Inventory.
        2. Last Change - Time since you last modified your Collection.
        3. Collection Display Options - How to display your Collection Items on the left.
          1. Entire Collection - List All the Vehicles in your collection.
          2. Tradeable Parts Only - Lists Only Vehicle where you have Spare Part that you have indicated are for trade.
          3. All Extra Parts - Lists Only Vehicle with Spare Parts (Tradeable & Untradeable).
          4. Wanted Parts Only - Lists Only Vehicle that have Needed Parts you have indicated as Wanted.
          5. Unowned Vehicles - Lists any Vehicles in the GIJoePit Database that ARE NOT in your Collection.
        4. Collection Modification Options - Links for Changing your Collection. (Left Window)
          1. Add New Vehicle - Lists Unowned Vehicles
            Check the new vehicle(s) to add to your collection & select the "Add Selected Vehicles" button.
          2. Add Duplicate Vehicle - Lists Owned Vehicles
            Check the duplicate vehicle(s) you want to add to your collection & select the "Add Selected Vehicles" button.
          3. Delete Vehicles - Lists all Vehicles in your Collection
            Check the Vehicle(s) you want to remove from your collection & select the "Delete Selected Vehicles" button.
          4. Add/Subtract Completed Trade Parts from your Collection - Trade Engine Option not yet available.

            NOTE: New/Duplicate Vehicles are added as 100% complete. See Vehicle Detail Modification for instructions on how to change them.

            NOTE: DELETED Vehicles are gone for good as soon as you click the button, so be sure this is what you want to do.

        5. Trade Engine Options - Not Yet Available!

      2. Vehicle Detail Page - (From Link in Left Window)
        1. For Navigation see I.A.3
        2. Modify Your Info For "Vehicle Name" - Link at top & bottom of Parts Detail Table. Only shown for logged in Members.
          See II.B.3 - Vehicle Detail Modification.

      3. Vehicle Detail Modification

        1. Spare Parts
          1. Use ONLY EXTRA Parts for Trade - This will count any parts over the required number for the vehicle as extra Tradable parts.
          2. Use ALL Parts for Trade - This will include every part on this Vehicle as Tradable.
          3. DO NOT Use ANY Parts for Trade - This will not include any of the parts on the Vehicle as Tradable.
        2. Needed Parts
          1. Add Missing Parts to NEED list - This will list any shortages for the vehicle as needed parts.
          2. DO NOT Add Missing Parts to NEED list - This will ignore any shortages (best used with Use ALL Parts for Trade).
        3. Blueprints
          1. Number of Blueprint Sets Owned: - This is the total number in your collection. Used for display only.
          2. Number of Blueprint Sets FOR TRADE: - This is the number you are willing to Trade.
          3. Number of Blueprint Sets WANTED: - This is the number you would like to Add to your collection.
        4. Part Quantities - This should be the total number of this particular part you own.
        5. Comments - Description field to add details about this vehicle. The condition of parts, sticker wear, references to other vehicles with common parts, etc. Note that commas may not be used, they will be replace with semi-colons instead.
        6. Update Button - Updates this vehicle with any changes you made.

    3. Using The Trade Engine - Comming Soon!

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