The Pit! - Part Search Engine

If you can't find it, it may not be here yet. Help build the Database with your part submission!
Search for Part by Color
black blue brown dk brown clear
clear red lt gray gray dk gray lt green
green bright green glow green olive drab green gold
maroon orange purple red silver
tan white yellow none
brown (all shades) clear (all tints) gray (all shades) green (all shades) red (all shades)

Search for a part by Description (See ways to search below)

Search for a part by Mold Number (Parts are numbered M- followed by four numbers) M-

Use the following forms of keyword entry to narrow your search.
  1. Plain Text (multiple words seperated by a space) - Returns all entries with the words in their description
    Example: keyword=gun:
    • Machine Gun,
    • Gun Turret,
    • Gunbelt,
  2. Quoted Text (multiple words seperated by a space) - Returns entries with these exact words in the description
    Example: keyword="gun":
    • Machine "Gun",
    • "Gun" Turret
  3. Multiple Keywords - Return entries matching ANY of the words you entered.
    Example: keyword=gun handle:
    • Machine Gun,
    • Gun Turret,
    • Gunbelt,
    • Handle,
    • Gun Handle,
    • Handle Bar,
    • Handles
  4. Required Keywords - Returns ONLY those entries containing the keyword(s)
    Example: keyword=+Gun Handle:
    • Gun Handle,
    • Gun,
    • Gun Turret,
    • Gunbelt
  5. Multi-word Phrase - Returns an exact match of two or more words
    Example: keyword="gun handle":
    • Gun Handle